feeder sound 73 mixed by Revet aka Kenah

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feeder sound 73 mixed by Revet aka Kenah

Since it’s Friday and you’ll probably hit a few parties this weekend we got you covered with the warm up: a new feeder sound episode is here. This week, we introduce to you Revet or Kenah, by his real name Vlad-Mihnea Mușat, a DJ and producer from Bucharest who blends in perfectly in his sets minimal, techno and experimental sounds. It all began at the age of 17 for Revet when he bough a pair of CD players and a mixer and from there on he knew that music was the way for him. He is, no doubt, a promising talent having played alongisde artists such as Kozo, Miss I, Heyos or Vinyl Speed Adjust.

Revet aka Kenah delivers in this colourful mix a sound which cannot be tolarated without a artistical purpose. Where music meets art, he made possible structures of sequences through deep and melodical frequencies from where clubbers dweal to dance to. By the arrangement of the tracks he came to meaningful partitions of beats from where everybody can understand what the main purpose of electronic music is. Stay tuned on this minimal-techno with dubby portions because the music can excel when it is played with love.

With tracks coming from Sascha Dive, Archie Hamilton or Grotesku and remixes from the likes of Fumiya Tanaka, TC Studio or Faster, this mix indeed has the familiar warm romanian sound to it which makes it perfect for a pre-party gathering.

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