feeder sound 64 mixed by Alcalina
Alcalina lives and works in Bucharest. A few years ago she added to her design skills the passion for collecting and playing music. With a very deep understanding of nature and music, Alcalina brings a lot of emotions in her mixes. Flying from happiness to introspection, from dance to deep thoughts, her sound is about the meditative part of music, peace and unity. Long story, short:
”I’m your musical storyteller”

feeder sound 64 mixed by Alcalina is a 2 hours journey from ambient to techno, that will take you unique experiment thought a very colourful spectre of minimal or micro sounds. We enjoy so much that Alcalina got Brancusi in the mix. Enjoy!
“Un mix mai mult experimental. Adica m-am jucat serios. :))) Sper sa va placa.”
Ricardo Villalobos and Max Loderbauer – Reblazhenstva
Margaret Dygas – Introduction
Ricardo Villalobos and Max Loderbauer – Reannounce
iPca – Când Vrei Tu
Patraulea – Calm
Patraulea – Manifestation Of Oothingness
Margaret Dygas – Note Note Note
Margaret Dygas – Quintet
Patraulea – Poezie de noapte
Stan Yaroslavsky – Its Allright
Stan Yaroslavsky – Who Am I
Furz – Tell Me What You Feel Furz – Surfer Chomp
L.I.Z.Z. – Subllimm
Renee Audiard – Glow
Margaret Dygas – tHat Oops
Suokas – Cocktail Juice (Doudou Malicious Mix)
Sasha Nevolin – Zenit
Rata – Mariposas Amarillas
Alcalina: soundcloud // facebook
feeder sound: soundcloud // feeder.ro
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