Aitch – She – watercolors on paper, 15 x 18 cm, 2015, 450 RON / 100 €
*English version below
In acest album am strans lucrari ale diferitor artisti si ilustratori romani, gata spre a fi oferite tuturor celor care isi doresc si isi permit sa ajute, prin donatii de fonduri, victimele de la Colectiv.
Conturile in care se vor depune donatiile apartin celor mai cunoscute fundatii care sunt implicate in strangerea de fonduri la momentul acesta. E decizia voastra in ce cont preferati sa depuneti sumele, noi avand nevoie ulterior de dovada platii si de adresa la care doriti sa vi se livreze artworkul ales.
Daca vor exista mai multi doritori ai aceleiasi lucrari, va incurajam la licitatie, scopul acestei actiuni fiind tocmai acela de a trimite cat mai multe donatii catre aceste conturi.
*daca doriti detalii suplimentare legate de lucrari, va rugam sa ne scrieti si promitem sa raspundem cat de repede putem.
Va multumim.
Lista conturilor in care se pot dona banii :
RON: RO45 RNCB 0064 0048 9646 0001(BCR, Sector 5).
Adresa băncii : B-dul Tudor Vladimirescu, nr. 57, Bl. T 4, sector 5, București
RON: RO36BRDE410SV29647144100 (BRD, agenția Piața Romană)
Aitch – Wild – watercolors on paper, 30 x 40 cm, 2015, 450 RON / 100 €
Aitch – Floral – watercolors on paper, 31 x 31 cm, 2015, 450 RON / 100 €
Aitch – Singing Flowers – watercolors on paper, 30 x 40 cm, 2015, 450 RON / 100 €
Cristian Darstar – Discursul lui Ceausescu – page from “Mickey pe Dunăre”, ink on paper, 18 x 26 cm, 2014, 880 RON / 200 €
Cristian Darstar – Situația la Granița Ungară – page from “Mickey pe Dunăre”, ink on paper, 18 x 26 cm, 2014, 880 RON / 200 €
Pren – Untitled I – digital illustration, 30 x 40 cm, 2015 , 5 prints available, 180 RON / 40 €
Pren – Untitled II – digital illustration, 30 x 40 cm, 2015 , 5 prints available, 180 RON / 40 €
Livia Coloji – Vulpe – markers on paper, 18 x 28 cm, 2015, 150 RON / 35 €
Livia Coloji – Pereche – collage and acrylics on wood, set of 2 pieces of 10 x 10 x 2 cm, 2014, 200 RON / 45 €
Livia Coloji – Pereche 2 – acrylics on canvas mounted on cardboard, 21 x 27 cm, 2014, 300 RON / 70 €
Razvan Cornici – Untitled – 30 x 30 cm (50 x 50 cm with frame), 670 RON / 150 €
Saddo – Untitled – acrylics on canvas, 32,5 x 40,5, 2014, 1300 RON / 300 €
Saddo – Flowers – acrylics on paper ( originally made as a wallpaper pattern design), 2015, 1000 RON / 230 €
Super Smooth Studio – Batcat – linocut, 21 x 21 cm, 2015, 100 RON / 25 €
Super Smooth Studio – Lycanthropy – linocut, 21 x 21 cm, 2015, 100 RON / 25 €
Super Smooth Studio – No Face – liner and marker on paper, 21 x 16,5 cm, 2015, 250 RON / 55 €
Super Smooth Studio – Spirit of The Secret Garden – linocut, 21 x 29,7 cm, 2015, 100 RON / 25 €
Serebe – Cat Lover I, marker on paper, 14,8 x 21 cm, 2014, 225 RON / 50 €
Serebe – Cat Lover II, marker on paper, 14,8 x 21 cm, 2014, 225 RON / 50 €
Serebe – Cat Lover III, marker on paper, 14,8 x 21 cm, 2014, 225 RON / 50 €
This album gathers artworks by different Romanian illustrators and artists to offer them to anyone who would like and can afford to donate money for the victims of the fire in Colectiv, Bucharest.
The bank accounts in which you can donate belong to the main organizations involved in raising the funds. You can decide in which account you donate, all we need is a proof of the payment and your shipping address where we can send the artwork.
If there’s more than one person interested in the same work, we encourage auctioning for it, as the main purpose of this initiative is to direct as many donations as possible into these accounts.
Thank you.
*we’ll answer any questions as as soon as possible
The list of bank accounts in which you can donate (in Euros):
EUR: RO64 RNCB 0076 0048 9646 0029
Fundația Estuar
Bank name: Banca Comercială Română
Bank address: Bdul Tudor Vladimirescu nr. 57, Bl. T 4, sector 5, București.
EUR: RO22BRDE410SV18508914100 EUR
Bank name: BRD – Groupe Societe Generale
Bank address: Bulevardul Ion Mihalache, nr. 1, Bucuresti ,Turn BRD, sector 1
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