Pixadores @ Centrul Ceh (Czech Centre Bucharest)
30 Martie, 20:00
Echoes of One World Romania.
Pixadores este filmul câștigător al One World Romania, festival de film documentar dedicat drepturilor omului, ales de un juriu format din 5 liceeni.
Pixadores / Amir Escandari / Finlanda, Danemarca, Suedia, 2014 / 93‘
Pixadores sunt tineri care vin din zone marginale ale orasului São Paulo. Arta lor e alimentata de furie, lipsuri si disperare. Interventiile lor in spatiul urban sunt independente de constrangerile derivate din apartenenta institutionala. Cand se intersecteaza punctual cu lumea artistica, cu prilejul unei invitatii la Bienala de Arta Contemporana de la Berlin, reusesc sa-l scandalizeze pe curatorul german care i-a invitat, punandu-si tag-urile pe peretii unei cladiri de patrimoniu si refuzand sa atinga panourile care le-au fost puse la dispozitie.
Imaginea fluida, filmata cu camera din mana de catre operatorul Peter Flinckenberg prinde actiunile temerare ale pixadores pe inaltimile oraselor São Paulo si Berlin, dar si viata cotidiana a celor patru, intre munca, surfing-ul trenurilor, colectarea de cupru si lecturi ocazionale din Nietzsche. Devenim martorii unor acte de libertate creatoare sau a unor ciocniri intre grupuri artistice cu viziuni diferite, dar si ai unor imagini revelatoare ale saraciei claselor defavorizate ale Braziliei. Insa povestea nu se opreste aici: daca lumea artei nu i-a putut asimila pe pixacao, multinationalele au deja privirile atintite asupra lor.
Subtitrare în limba engleză.
Un eveniment susținut de Staropramen.
Intrare liberă.
Pixadores / Amir Escandari / Finland, Denmark, Sweden, 2014 / 93‘
Pixadores (taggers) are young men who come from non-elite marginal areas of São Paulo. Their interventions exploit the forms of freedom made available by urban culture. They liberate themselves from the confines of place, medium, and particularly from institutional control or appropriation. Djan, William, Ricardo and Biscoito are four young pixadores from the slums of São Paulo, all driven by anger, want and despair. When they incidentally intersect with the art world after being invited to the Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art, they outrage their German curator when they start tagging a landmark building.
Cinematographer Peter Flinckenberg and director Amir Escandari follow the pixadores as they climb up walls and buildings, with a dynamic, hand-held camera which follows the boys in their daily lives, at work, on the street, or at home in the favela. A richly textured soundtrack underlines the tension in the lives of the often-hunted pixadores who live between raids for copper, train surfing, and occasional readings from Nietzsche. The film captures their acts of freedom in São Paulo and their culture clashes in Berlin, while also catching glimpses of the widespread poverty and anger of Brazil’s lower classes. But the story does not end here: if the art world could not appropriate them, multinationals already have their eyes on the pixacao.
English subtitle.
Free admission.