Tulbure [TC Studio] @ RTS.FM BUCHAREST
26 dec, 20:00
More and more present on the Romanian scene and abroad, Matei Tulbure has become a familiar name for most of the electronic music lovers. His greatest inspiration comes from artists like Lars von Trier, Tarkovsky or Kubrick, but John Cage, Thomas Brinkmann or Moritz von Oswald have also an important role in his sonic upbringing.
His sets are described as “smooth and hypnotic, carefully built to ensure a proper night out”. The artist has proved that on stages like ARMA17 and KaZantip Festival.
In 2010, Tulbure started TC Studio with his partner Traian. Their project has also become a label, on which they worked with Onur Özer. They discribe their work as “mystery music“.
RTS.FM Bucharest will host
Matei Tulbure on December 26th, 8 PM (GMT+2).
Visuals by Dr.Viashu a.k.a. vloop
Livestream: http://new.livestream.com/accounts/2166602/events/3681666?logged_in=1419617867