Atelierele de improvizatie JADD: SURVIVAL UNIT III @ Control

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Atelierele de improvizatie JADD: SURVIVAL UNIT III @ Control

Atelierele de improvizatie JADD: SURVIVAL UNIT III @ Control

Marti, 20 martie, ora 22:00 @ Control



Unitatea de supravietuire a sufletului!

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Calauze ne sunt trei magnifici muzicieni americani “all soul and all spirit”.
Impreuna se numesc Survival Unit III – experienta muzicala in care ideea de revolutie (cu originile ei in injustitiile sociale si razboiul din Vietnam de la sfarsitul anilor ’60) este mereu determinanta, poetica si fara compromisuri.

Intrare: 20 lei
Open doors: 21:30h

Survival Unit III:

– esenta jazz-ului – saxofonistul si trompetistul Joe McPhee, a carui muzica creativa, profund emotionala, spirituala si expresiva a produs infiintarea a doua case de discuri pentru a-i documenta opera – CJR(Cadence Jazz Records) si Hat Hut; formulele cele mai cunoscute in care il regasim pe McPhee in ultimul deceniu sunt cu Ken Vandermark si Kent Kessler, Peter Brotzmann Chicago Tentet si, mai ales, Trio X, alaturi de Dominic Duval si Jay Rosen;

– cello-sabotorul/violoncelistul Fred Lonberg-Holm, asul din maneca al grupului; membru de baza in Vandermark 5 si in Peter Brotzmann Chicago Tentet, Holm apare si in multiple formule improvizatorice alaturi de John Butcher, Jim Baker, Wilbert DeJoode, Axel Doerner, Mats Gustafsson, Jim O’Rourke, David Stakenas, Ben Vida sau Michael Zerang;

– asirianul din Chicago – percutionistul Michael Zerang este, ca si Fred Lonberg-Holm, un muzician in afara oricaror categorisiri. Fondator al seriei de performance-uri Link’s Hall, peste 100 de colaborari in teatru, dans, arta experimentala, membru in Peter Brotzmann Chicago Tentet sau Resonance Ensemble si, bineinteles, in formule restranse cu Mats Gustafsson, Raymond Strid, Sten Sandell, Jaap Blonk, Jim Baker sau Alberto Braida.

“John Coltrane had it, Albert Ayler had it, Joe McPhee has it: the incredible artistry to create depth – a true, warm human emotion – at the same time as spiritual breadth – the feeling that the sound resonates with the planet, the sky, the universe.” (

“We’re all survivors, and perhaps the message here is that we need to get our individual voices heard and not become reticent when matters go awry. McPhee and his band mates execute a spiritual cleansing process, teeming with vivid dialogues and multi-layered textures. An eventful and undeniably persuasive listening experience it is.” Glenn Astarita (


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