Mesajul Anonymous catre Romania (?)

Mesajul Anonymous catre Romania

“Greethings citizens of romania, we are anonymous.
This message is sent to romanian people due to recent anti-acta protest in hole europe, but in specialy the protest of your country.
Is hard to believe for us, that you can’t feel the abuses made by your politicians in the last 20 years. seems that you need a leader, you don’t. you don’t need help from anyone, you have all the resurces and all the man power you need, the key is to organnize yourself.
The message said by 500 people in center of bucharest or any other city of your country, is powerfull when is said acting like one voice. They signed in secret Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement hoping that you will never find out, now you know, but you act like you don’t care. Prove them that romanian people still cares about their freedom, you have been deprived of freedom of speech for 42 years, till 1989, 42 years of censorship, you are ready to lose again your most valued right ? Organize yourself, you all have the same goal, but seems you don’t have the same targets, Set your targets and hit them together, this is the only way you can win.
Every time romanian members of anonymous help taking down targets like Central Intelligence Agency , Federal Bureau of Investigation or interpol websites, but never took down romanian media websites for not helping own people to change what’s wrong. You’ve been sold on pieces to big international corporations, they sold your oil, they sold your gold, they sold everything you had as resources, they sold your future by leting financial corporations to give loans with allmost 90% interest rate. We all have to do something about this things, media has to help people and report the abuses, not just to help politicians to win elections. The media and financial corporations will be our next targets if they will continue to manipulate and oppress people for profit.

The weather conditions in romania are bad now, you have people freezing to dead in their houses, what did your politicians to solve this situations ? they did nothing. Find your true values, don’t lose your identity as a nation.
Changing your government is a win, but a small one, because you have the same politicians, the same people that put their hands in your pockets, You had enough. People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people. You have a king, we think your king loves romania more than all your politicians together. We don’t militate for monarchy, we militate for true values.

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.”

Am destule de dubii ca apartine Anonymous. Dar pana la urma cine/ce e Anonymous pt a verifica cat e de pe bune acest mesaj? Si faza cu monarhia?

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