Sleep Walk @ McCann

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Sleep Walk @ McCann

Sleep Walk @ McCann

last year’s Night Shift at our Pop-Up gallery was a total blast.

three artists we love – Aitch, Saddo and Sinboy – unite again under our roof for a dark and moody exhibit of their newest and most bad-ass yet. expect: loads of new work and illustrations, paintings on pieces of wood, canvas, cardboard and directly on the windows, found objects and installations as well as a new mural on the wall of our backyard.

Sleep Walk? in artists’ own words, “imaginarul este oniric, irational, criptic, cu sugestii, story-uri, simboluri rasarite din inconstient, din vis, printr-un proces creativ mai mult intuitiv decat rational/constient, proces care incearca sa traduca tocmai aceste sugestii, ramasite, viziuni, impresii onirice, si sa le transpuna cumva in lumea “reala”.

the opening is inside the White Night of Galleries 2011 (we are nr 41), and we keep open till June 20, by appointment

the story develops at


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