În august 2010, regizorul francez Vincent Moon şi Efterklang s-au întâlnit pe o insula de pe coasta daneză cu un obictiv clar: realizarea unui film scurt, cu aceeaşi durată ca albumul trupei – 50 de minute – care să conţină prestaţii live, colaborări inedite şi multă improvizaţie
Împreună cu 200 de muzicieni danezi, timp de 4 zile, băieţii de la Efterklang au reuşit să creeze interpretări diferite ale pieselor de pe cel mai recent album al trupei, Magic Chairs.
Vă aşteptăm vineri, 25 martie, la ora 19:00 în Café Verona la proiecţia AN ISLAND – un proiect neconvenţional, un documentar abstract despre o trupă şi o insulă.
Presa internaţională
The Guardian (uk) 5 stars!: “The film An Island is a heartwarmingly soulful portrait of the band in their natural habitat on the small Baltic island of Als”
The Line of Best Fit (uk): “By turns dizzying, stirring and just plain inspirational, it’s a beautiful, soul-warming film that goes way beyond its remit”
The Star (ca): “An Island is more than just a band documentary; it’s a love letter to family, roots, small-town life and the social/communal power of music to unify people … a mesmerizing 50 minutes … it’s universal and great viewing even if you’ve never heard of Efterklang”
Art Idiot (uk): “An Island is essentially about freedom, space and community. The isolation and feeling of time, interacting with one another and spontaneous creativity.”
Fluid-Radio (uk): “In what is both a brilliant film and also a fine exhibition of musical talent ‘An Island’ successfully captures the artists’ intentions to create something unconventional and abstract. This however does not interfere with the films accessibility”
On Permanent Rotation (us): sounds melded so well with the rhythm and point of view of the film that I literally felt like I was in the movie” full review
Soundproofblog (us): “The movie was striking, a sensory sensation – a marvel”