Do You Give a Shit?

“Mihai Viteazu’s horse has 15 kg of fresh horseshit under its ass, but it’s pretty hard to see it in these pics. The banner was up for two hours on September 20 (Bucharest Day), from 3:30 am to 5:30 am, when police, aided by firemen, took it down. The horseshit remained in place for several days. The statue is about 7m (23 feet) tall, located in the center of Bucharest (University Square). It is a symbol of our troubled history.”

De la zacuska sensual.

– via cristian neagoe

4 thoughts on “Do You Give a Shit?”

  1. well, they DID give a shit in the end, didn’t they? albeit only half way, removing the flag BUT not the shit. they seemed not to sense (smell?) it. or maybe ’cause they smell it they did not dare to touch it? and, ioana wtf is that ‘iNpactul social’ !?

  2. mama.. CE E ASTA FRATE?? adica chiar nu inteleg ideea.. e prostest sau distractie la prea mult fumat.. sau ce e ? CE PLM E ASTA? Sau vor o publicitate raspandita prin acte infecte.. Vor sa vorbeasca presa de niste excremente sub o statuie si apoi cine e vinovat? cine a pus ? aia!!! Mama cat tupeu .. sa-i urmam in actele lor majore.. sunt cei mai tari din Romania.. vreau sa stau la coada ca un gropie si sa-i satisfac.. asta vreau.. mama ce de rahat.. mor de nervi ca imi pierd timpu cu d-astea.. faceti alt blog pt intamplari … nu mai zic nimic

  3. Da… si explicatia este in engleza… zacuska sensual- grup de artisti(?) preocupati de inpactul social si artistic al excrementelor. Bravoooo!!! Ce copii talentati!!!!! c…t art sau in engleza s… art.

  4. nu e mai presus de un punker bataush si beat care sparge un geam al unui magazin in semn de protest. si mai scrie si un mesaj in engleza.

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