19.11.2009 – 14.02.2010
Curator: Magda Radu
Vernisaj/ opening: 19 noiembrie/ Novembre, 19h30
MNAC prezinta prima expozitie personala a lui Adrian Ghenie, o sinteza a parcursului sau de pana acum. Expozitia reflecta consistenta angajamentului lui Ghenie in investigarea unor notiuni precum memoria si istoria, laolalta cu faptul ca practica sa picturala este supusa unui proces continuu de innoire si experimentare.
Cercetator asiduu al istoriei secolului XX, Adrian Ghenie recupereaza istorii uitate, evenimente marginale si detalii aparent nesemnificative in vederea construirii unui vocabular vizual intens si tulburator. Subiectele abordate nu reflecta un singur set de preocupari, insa diversitatea tematica se conjunga intr-o viziune coerenta. Prezentele spectrale ale lui Hitler sau Lenin, corpurile colective ale unor oameni lipsiti de identitate subliniaza ideea ca procesul rememorarii sta sub semnul inconsistentei si al inadecvarii. Esecul modernitatii reprezentat de catastrofele celui de-al doilea razboi mondial este pus in legatura cu reflectia asupra mediilor moderne de divertisment, precum cinema-ul – o alta tema majora pentru Adrian Ghenie.
MNAC Bucharest presents the first survey exhibition of paintings by Adrian Ghenie (born 1977), the well-known Romanian artist who lives and works in Cluj and Berlin. The exhibition underscores the way in which Ghenie has been developing a consistent engagement with issues such as memory and history, by subjecting his artistic practice to a process of continuous renewal and experimentation.
Ghenie is an ardent researcher of the history of the 20th century, being preoccupied with unearthing forgotten narratives, marginal events and seemingly insignificant details in order to compose a visual vocabulary that is both compelling and uncanny. The subject matter does not revolve around a single set of concerns, and yet the different themes of Ghenie’s paintings seem to connect. Spectral presences of Hitler and Lenin, collective bodies of anonymous, defaced people – are all there to reveal the feebleness and inconsistency of our memory. The failure of modernity brought about by the catastrophes of the Second World War is seen in conjunction with the rise of modern forms of entertainment such as cinema, another major topic for Ghenie.
Multumiri / With the support of: Haunch of Venison London, Nicodim Gallery, Nolan Judin Berlin, Galeria Plan B, Tim Van Laere Gallery