Inca un studiu legat de efectele nocive ale mobilelor

interphone study

“The 10-year Interphone study costs 30 million US dollars and is actually a whole series of multi-national studies which have taken part in 13 countries across the globe and have included more than 10 000 human subjects. The goal is to find out whether mobile phone radiation is able to increase the risk of four kinds of cancer – acoustic neuroma, glioma, meningioma, and tumors of the parotid gland. In other words – cancer types involving the tissues around the ears and mouth.”

“A research claims that phone radiation may also drop a man’s sperm count by 30 percent, so guys, you’d better avoid wearing you phone in your pants pockets.”

4 thoughts on “Inca un studiu legat de efectele nocive ale mobilelor”

  1. Nu stiu cat sunt de bune pozele, sincer. Din cate stiu eu, creierul este zona cel mai mult irigata din tot corpul all the time. Deci, capul ar fi trebuit sa fie ceva mai colorat. In fine, faptul ca temperatura era mai ridicata in zona aceea dupa o conversatie de 15 min la telefonul mobil isn’t proof ca vai! ce irrepearable damage produce acesta. We’re such suckers for wannabe scientific photos. Sau altfel spus.. punem botu prea repede 😀

  2. daca mobilu face damage, un set de casti cred ca rezolva problema. treaba e sa nu facem abuz de tehnologie sub pretextul ca noi comunicam. sigur ca vom comunica si in continuare, insa contactul uman ramane cel mai important, ca altfel ajungem ca-n soarele gol (asimov).

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