that’s the legacy of idiot 3d web design.
how many of you never did a 3d logo?
how many of the guys who think of themselves as designers ever ACTUALLY worked with print?
don’t be sad now, that’s what you started.
that’s fucking web2
anyways, in max 10 years web design will die, and web2, like windows will go to the recycle bin of 0101.
that’s the legacy of idiot 3d web design.
how many of you never did a 3d logo?
how many of the guys who think of themselves as designers ever ACTUALLY worked with print?
don’t be sad now, that’s what you started.
that’s fucking web2
anyways, in max 10 years web design will die, and web2, like windows will go to the recycle bin of 0101.
logan kinda said it.
wtf is wrong with branding nowadays??!
far too aggressive! and is it just me but it looks dated already 🙁
wow, aşa da.
pas uriaş dpdv a designului – şi totuşi păstrează linia pe care a pornit acu exact 90 ani. cum fac de altfel şi cu maşinile 🙂
aşa da brand.