
Momentan in beta, Tineye e un sistem de cautare avansat pentru imagini. Practic, uploadezi o imagine si Tineye iti spune unde mai gaseste imaginea respectiva pe net, comparand imaginile pixel cu pixel 🙂

A new visual search engine could help photographers keep track of their photographs whenever, and wherever, they appear on the internet. The TinEye search engine allows users to search by uploading a picture rather than typing in a keyword. It then conducts a pixel by pixel search across the internet, flagging up all instances of that image even if it’s been cropped, merged or digitally altered in some way. It’s not just for copyright enforcement though, “it’s being used by researchers who need to find where an image came from to provide attribution, even people who are trying to find out who people are in old photos.” It’s currently in beta,but you can try it out.

-via Jackhammer Jesus

4 thoughts on “Tineye”

  1. am testat tineye

    exista si un plugin pentru internet explorer

    pro: in cazul in care ai o poza cropuita sau la o rezolutie mai mica sau in cazul in care un site iti afiseaza doar un thmubnail sunt sanse sa o gasesti cu tineye

    viteza cautarii e buna

    cons: nu degeaba cauta mona lisa in filmulet , e un gen de imagine iconica asa ca sunt sanse mari sa gaseasca multe rezultate

    pentru ceva obscur nu sunt afisate delor rezultate

    am cautat o poza luata de pe google images si nu am obtinut nici un rezultat cu toate ca pe google gaseai aceeasi poza in alta sursa.

  2. imi place ca pluginu e pentru firefox si nu pentru safari

    prin asta apple recunosc ca safari e mult mai slab decat firefox

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