F: How do you feel about the Bucharest gig?
K: I enjoyed it very much. I was able to feel the straightforward power of the crowd very much which was extremely stimulating. Great production staffs as well. Love to come back soon. Thanks to everyone who was there!
F: What set-up did you use on your Bucharest performance?
K: 2 technics, a Vestax 20SL mixer, a PC & a CDJ.
F: What was it like to dj sitting on pillows 🙂
K: They were placed under the decks to avoid vibrations from the floor, but it worked quite well. No needle skippings, a nice one! actually have the same ones, but never tried them til now (laughs). Glad I owned them myself (laughs).
F: Did you find out anything about Romania on your short visit?
K: Well, not enough time to find anything to the point I could answer this question…
F: What sort of music do you like?
K: I try to listen to as many types of music as I can. I try not to limit music or categorize it into genres, which only puts you into a small frame. Better to be borderless not only in making music but also listening to music.
F: When do you plan on a new collab with Toshinori Kondo?
K: We don’t have any actual plan, but I just collaborated live with him in Tokyo at the end of April, courtesy of Bill Lawswell who produced special session nights at one of the legendary jazz venues. Always great to collaborate with creative, original musicians. Thanx to Bill Laswell.
F: Recommend us, 3 artists, with works in a similar vein as yours.
K: Too difficult a question to answer… can’t name just 3 either.
F: What is your opinion on dubstep?
K: I always like new movements & flows. Very stimulating. I like the bass sound that crawls low on the ground.
F: Do you know any Romanian artists?
K: Sorry, I don’t know about Romanian music much, lack of researches & studies…could you tell me some recommended artists?
F: What are your favourite websites?
K: I visit YouTube a lot to check Japanese comedians’ skits which I always love in my spare time.
F: Do you drive or ride a bike?
K: I don’t have a driver’s license, and don’t ask why.
F: Do you practice any sports?
K: Nope. I used to go to a gym near my crib, but not any more. My latest hobby is supposed to be fishing but right now, no time to fish either…
F: When do you plan on a new album and what will it be like?
K: Who knows? (laughs). I’ve been making a bunch of demos, but I always don’t know how the next album would be until I actually go into the studio & finish the mix. I change things around a lot in the studio, so the finished album is also something I always look forward to when making an album.
thanks TRG for your help
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“Ce face ca un eveniment sa fie declarat reusit si ce determina ca un eveniment sa fie un esec? Probabil ar trebui sa existe mai multe definitii: cea a organizatorilor, cea a colegilor lor de breasla, cea a publicului, etc. Exista intotdeauna riscuri si dezavantaje atunci cand incerci sa realizezi proiecte necomerciale. Noi am preferat sa ni le asumam decat sa anulam sau sa amanam evenimentele, chiar si cu pretul multor eforturi pentru a depasi toate provocarile si inconvenientele. Fiecare argument contrar, atat cele aduse de o parte din public, cat si cele pe care le-am putea aduce noi sunt interpretabile. Se pare ca solutia cu locatia nu a fost cea mai fericita nici pentru public, nici pentru AVmotional. Problema cu locatiile in Bucuresti este una comuna si nu se rezolva de azi pe maine. Se stie ca locatii perfecte pentru astfel de evenimente nu prea exista, iar cele care au mai fost nu sunt disponibile oricand. Ar fi utile sugestii in privinta asta si din partea publicului.
Acest post are rolul de a multumi in primul rand celor care au participat la eveniment si au vazut partea pozitiva a lucrurilor. Vrem sa asiguram toti partenerii, artistii si publicul care ne-au sustinut in ultimii 4 ani de continuarea dezvoltarii Platformei AVmotional.” – echipa AVmotional
Daca inca nu ti-ai dat seama seama ca AVmotional si Fratelli Studios nu e DELOC tot una si crezi ca DJ Krush este comercial pentru ca umple o locatie de 1000 de oameni si e o lansare de mare angajament pentru organizatorii sa sustina o platforma, repet, pentru proiecte NECOMERCIALE, nu cred ca avem ce discuta. Pacat ca ti se pare atat de trist ca dupa “4 ani de experienta” nu am reusit sa construim o locatie proprie de 1000-1200 de oameni in care sa fie si berea ieftina si aerul conditionat si biletul la evenimente 10 euro. O sa ne straduim mai mult pe viitor!
hei!ia stai un pic! cum adica “proiecte necomerciale”…asta e o gluma sau nu mai inteleg eu nimic…ce a fost necomercial la DJ krush? locatia? nu…preturile?nu…setlistul?in nici un caz…si atunci ce a fost necomercial aici?si cine s-a lansat de pe platforma asta avmotional inafara de organizatori? mai usor cu marketingul si pr-ul si mai mult cu fapta,ca e mai greu de realizat
p.s. daca dupa 4 ani de experienta nu s-a putut face decat atat e cam trist