D O N ‘ T C O M P L I C A T E T H E S L E E P I N G B A R O Q U E…

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D O N ‘ T C O M P L I C A T E T H E S L E E P I N G B A R O Q U E…
24.05. – 28.07.2007

D u m i t r u G o r z o
G i l i M o c a n u

Opening 24.05.2007 | 19.00

Curator: Liviana DAN, Head of department, Gallery of Art, Brukenthal Palace in Sibiu

Dumitru Gorzo and Gili Mocanu prepare a series of framed classical drawings and drawing-intervention on the vaults and walls of the Kunstraum Noe. In a period when drawing has an obsessive character, the exhibition explains the relationship between the drawing and the right-now. Gorzo and Gili Mocanu perpetually challenge the mind and destroy all physical borders.
Gorzo is abducted and abducts with his drawings. The phenomenological dimension generates a mass of organic gestures, that renders to the viewer.
For Gili Mocanu, distortion, contraction, retraction, diversion, withdrawal make up the illusion of an ever-changing beginning.

If Gorzo’s contemporary baroque is a matter of identity, Gili Mocanu’s contemporary baroque is a matter of technique.

For more information please visit

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