The Type Collective

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Vi-i prezentam pe câţiva dintre designerii Type Collective în ultima zi a anului trecut. Iată că între timp cei opt au adunat suficient material cât să susţină o expoziţie. Joi 7 februarie de la ora 19:00 la nou9.

The Type Collective is a project initiated by eight designers: Andrei Ogradă, Alex Beltechi, Felix Hornoiu, Vlad Neuman, Koma, Nicu Duta, Octavian Budai & Vian Peanu. The idea was first brought up at an event held in Bucharest and quickly developed into the collaborative effort it is today — a playground dedicated to those who wish to experiment with typography and lettering. Realizing that such a thing has not yet been attempted in this neck of the woods, we decided to join forces and make it happen.

These days we try to update the blog with nothing but our very own sketches, explorations and finished work. All published work is done exclusively for the Collective and we do our best to update it weekly. If you’d like to say hi or need help with a project, feel free to get in touch with us. Thank you for your time and we hope you enjoy your stay!


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